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World Bank vows continued support, cooperation to Ethiopia’s dev’t priority areas

Addis Ababa, September 20, 2022 (FBC) – Minister of Planning and Development – Ethiopia, Fitsum Asefa (PhD), received and briefed representatives of the World Bank in her office.

Minister Fitsum briefed the representatives on the activities of environmental protection and climate change resistance and prevention in Ethiopia.

She said that the World Bank’s support should be focused on the areas that the Ethiopian government has given high priority and attention to in the 10-year development plan.

She explained the importance of natural resources in the growth of national products, the management of information from the national accounts, information management and its proper usage.

The World Bank has affirmed that it will continue the cooperation and support it has started with the Ethiopian government in various areas and will strengthen its support in the fields that the country has started and prioritizes.

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