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Upper house signs MoU with AAU to ensure research based service, decision making

Addis Ababa, Octber  5, 2020 (FBC) – The House of Federation has signed MoU with Addis Ababa University in a bid to make its service delivery and decission making duty research  based.

On the signing ceremony, Spokesperson of the house, Adem Farah siad the agreement is aimed to help the house effectively discharge its duties and responsibilities in terms of nation building, state building and democracy building spheres based its constitutional mandate.

The agreement is also vital to speed up institutional reform activities of the House, the Speaker said.

Addis Ababa university is selected to the partnership for its has been jointly undertaking various research works aimed to ensure better service delivery in various fields of engagement, the House Speaker noted.

Thematic areas of the research to be conducted by AAU as per the agreement include building multinational unity and sustainable peace, realizing physical transformation and equitable share of resources, ensuring supremacy of the constitution and constitutionalism and building house’s execution capacity, among others.

Better policy options, amendments of legal documents and guidelines, service delivery systems, execution strategies and structural improvements are also the outcomes expected from the study to be carried out by the university.

Addis Ababa University pledged to conclude the research based on institutional capacity building and reform activities within three months and deliver findings to the house accordingly.

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