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UNHCR pledges to assist Ethiopia’s generous refugee-hosting initiatives

Addis Ababa, February 8, 2023 (FBC) – Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister, Demeke Mekonnen conferred with Filippo Grandi, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

During their discussion, the two parties agreed that Ethiopia and UNHCR should continue to work in cooperation to address the needs of refugees and internally displaced people in the country.

According to DPM & FM Demeke, the Commissioner’s visit was timely and significant and it was in line with the government’s efforts to restore relations with partners following the Pretoria Peace Accord.

He emphasized Ethiopia’s generous refugee-hosting policies, which deal with 800,000 refugees, require ongoing financial and material support from partners such as UNHCR to sustain them.

Filipo Grandi, for his part, praised Ethiopia’s treatment of refugees and promised to assist some of the country’s refugee-related initiatives.

Finally, he asked the Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister to participate in the 2023 Global Refugee Forum.

Tesfahun Gobezay, Director General of Refugees and Returnees Services (RRS), was also present at the meeting and clarified protocols relating to refugee repatriation and IDP return.

Recall that the UNHCR high commissioner has arrived in Ethiopia for a 3-day working visit on February 6.

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