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UN vows continued support for Ethiopia’s dev’t undertakings

Addis Ababa, May 28, 2024 (FBC) – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ambassador Taye Atske Selassie, held a productive discussion with Dr. Ramiz Alakbarov, the UN Assistant Secretary General and Resident & Humanitarian Coordinator, in his office today.

During their conversation, the Foreign Minister and the Resident Coordinator exchanged views on how to reposition the UN system in support of national development plans.

They also held a constructive discussion on further strengthening the partnership and collaboration between the UN and Ethiopia to promote national development endeavors and address humanitarian situations.

They exchanged views on how to enhance coordination and effectiveness to realize national priorities and aspirations.

Ambassador Taye emphasized the importance of repositioning the United Nations to provide impactful support to member states, positioning the organization as a vital development partner.

He assured him the Ethiopian government’s support in discharging his responsibilities.

Dr. Ramiz, on his part, reassured that his office will continue its steadfast commitment to supporting Ethiopia’s development undertakings.

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