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Tigrayans concerned about crisis created by terrorist TPLF

Addis Ababa, August 13, 2021 (FBC) – Some Tigrayans residing in Addis Ababa told ENA that the terrorist group TPLF has been creating havoc in the region since the withdrawal of the National Defense Force following the unilateral ceasefire declared by the federal government.

Among the residents, Yohannes Goitom said anarchy followed the withdrawal of the defense force and government as well as private properties have been looted and women are raped by the terrorist group.

According to him, the recent massacre committed by the TPLF terrorist group on innocent civilians in Afar region proves that it is barbaric and cares less for human life.

“As a terrorist organization the TPLF does not want to perish alone. The leaders want the people of Tigray to perish with them. So, the people of Tigray have two options. Throw their weight behind the terrorist group and perish with its leaders or deny them all forms of support. I believe that the people of Tigray should also seriously think about the thousands of young, elders and women being killed in the Afar and Amhara regions by the terrorist group.”

Solomon Wolde Gerima on his part said young Tigrayans have never faced such problems in their history.
The terrorist group is forcing the youth to go to war with neighboring regional states for no cause. The youth need to therefore refuse to take orders from the TPLF, organize themselves and fight the group because the responsibility of protecting the nation and their lives rests upon them, he pointed out.

“My message to the youth is to rise up against the TPLF. The terrorist group is ruining the country. Many youngsters have fallen victim to the reckless wars that have been waged by TPLF over the years. I have witnessed three wars at this youthful age. Tens of thousands Tigrayans have died and many more wounded because of the adventurist group… Therfore, we are the ones who are responsible for what we do to these people.”

The TPLF group has been working to disintegrate the country, in collaboration with some foreign forces, Solomon noted, adding that Tigrayan youth should thus struggle to wipe out this treasonous group.

Artist Senait Hailemariam stated that “as a native of Tigray, I want the problem to be solved within a short period so that citizens can be saved from displacement and death.”

Tigrayans across the country are condemning the heinous attack of the terrorist TPLF group at every opportunity and standing alongside the government.

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