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Terrorist groups TPLF, Shene –emerging terror alliance in East Africa

Addis Ababa August 13, 2021 (FBC) The alliance of the terrorist TPLF with the other group also designated a terrorist, Shene, came as no surprise to the people and the government of Ethiopia as both groups had long been designated as terrorists by the House of People’s Representatives back in May 2021.

On Wednesday this week the two destructive forces officially declared alliance and it has become much more public and an acknowledgment.

PM Office Press Secretary Billene Seyoum noted, “the new thing on Wednesday’s public declaration of the terrorist TPLF and Shene groups that they have acknowledged their alliance publicly is a pronouncement of the destructive activities against the stability of Ethiopia as a state.”

Of course, the two terrorist groups have been committing all kinds of atrocities in Ethiopia particularly, during the past three years, and they are still working as leading destructive actors  against the stability of the nation and terrorism is the general feature of both sides.

TPLF and Shene were behind a number of violent attacks on civilians in various parts of the country to reverse the reform that was brought about through the struggle of the Ethiopian people. Many people died and a large number of people were injured and thousands displaced.

Furthermore, they made communities live in constant fear and undermined trust in the government. There are pieces of evidence that clearly show that all of these crimes were carried out to destabilize, weaken and endanger the very existence of the nation.

In this regard, all the criminal acts committed by the TPLF and Shene fully comply with the definition of terrorism under Article 3 of Proclamation No. 1176/2020 on the Prevention and Control of Terrorism.

Whereas, as part of their continued demonization and mischaracterization framings on Ethiopia,  the international media seem to only believe this current declaration of evil alliance  when it came out of the terrorist groups from the ‘horse’s mouth.’

Historically, TPLF and Shene were bitter political foes, when particularly the terrorist TPLF was in power. It is a glaringly fact that for the people of Oromia the terrorist TPLF was a ruthless group that jailed many and killed the Oromo youth and vocal critics of the system  during the past 27 years.

Prosperity Party Oromia Branch Public Relations Head, Taye Dendea is a living witness who observed the killing of many Oromos and displacement of half a million Oromos.  He too was thrown to jail for years by the TPLF-led regime because of his political views.

While these intimidation and atrocities took place, Shene did nothing to save lives of the Oromo. And now it has told the entire world that it has created alliance with TPLF for its political gains.

In this regard, let’s not forget TPLF tortured, displaced, and killed many Oromos labeling them as members of Shene. Following the announcement of the alliance, the people of Oromia have been denouncing this destructive alliance.

Evidently, with this declared terror alliance, the treasonous TPLF and Shene — like the Somalia-based terrorist group Al-Shabaab,  are proving that they are part of the East African terrorist actors beyond Ethiopia. This potentially could endanger the entire Horn of Africa and beyond.

It is important to remember here that the terrorist TPLF had been pushing for a regional and international conflict by firing rockets targeting the airport in Asmara, Eritrea’s capital.

Therefore, the world must unite to destroy these allied terrorist organizations and particularly, the United States of America which has been waging an anti-terrorism campaign for decades must recognize the links and motives of these three groups.

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