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TDP says TPLF leadership dreaming to lead luxurious life, not to benefit Tigray People

Addis Ababa, November 10, 2020 (FBC) –The Tigray Democratic Party (TDP) said the ambition of TPLF is not to benefit the people of Tigray but to continue to lead luxurious life at the expense of the inhabitants of the region.

Condemning the recent out-of-the-blue attack carried out by the TPLF junta on the Northern Command Headquarters, the party said the act was treasonous.

At a press briefing he held yesterday, TDP Chairperson Aregawi Berhe said the group has committed historic crime and betrayed the nation.

The group, which is well known for its greed for wealth and power, has never considered the welfare of the people in the region but continues to keep them under poverty.

The chairperson added that the leaders of the errant group have been serving themselves by neglecting the public.

As a result they have failed. Yet they wish to seize power again by fueling chaos across the country, he said, adding that this is an unpleasant dream that will not be realized.

Above all, they waged war on the country and the national defense force to create division among nations, nationalities and peoples of the country, he underscored.

Their formula of federal system was designed and imposed on Ethiopians to promote differences rather than unity and peace, Aregawi further noted.

The chairperson finally called on members of the Tigray Special Force to support the national army in its efforts to ensure the prevalence of rule of law and constitutional order.

It is to be recalled that Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed ordered a military offensive following the attack on the defense force.

Source: ENA

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