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Tana High-Level Forum creates opportunities to deal with security issues in Africa

Addis Ababa, October 7, 2022 (FBC) – A press briefing on the upcoming 10th Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa was held on Friday in Addis Ababa.

Speakers include former Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn; Ambassador Fisseha Shawul, Director General of the Africa Directorate General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Dr. Fana Gebresenbet, Interim Director of IPSS; Ms. Birtukan Sisay, Head of Government Office in the ANRS; and moderated by Ms. Lettie Tembo, Interim Director of APSP and Head of Tana Forum, among others.

Former Prime Minister Hailemariam stated that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the Tana Forum, maintaining the whole idea of our founding fathers’ interims of cooperating to deal with the security issues of Africa. He added that it has been a unique platform for open and transparent deliberations of like-minded security stakeholders.

The forum coincides with a critical moment in Africa with the advent of the COVID pandemic and rising challenges like climate change, Mr. Hailemariam noted. Moreover, the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine has exacerbated complications with the increase in prices of delivery of fertilizer and fuel, he added.

The Horn of Africa and the Sahel regions of the continent, among other areas, have been the new epicenters of terrorism and extremism. The aim of the Forum, Hailemariam elaborated, includes proposing solutions to the overarching security challenges of the continent to harness enduring peace and build resilience by placing citizens at the center and the state playing a role only when that’s necessary.

On his part, Ambassador Fisseha stated that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has made all the necessary arrangements and invited all the dignitaries to make the upcoming Forum a success.

More than 300 participants have already been invited, including Heads of State and Government, who will be notified soon, and high-level dignitaries will be attending, Ambassador Fisseha added.

Furthermore, he stated, presenters and attendees have confirmed and incorporated presentations, thematic discussions, and various sessions into the yearly African Security Forum.

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