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Successes in “Bounty of the Basket’ initiative paves way to attain food self-sufficiency

Addis Ababa, June 18, 2024 (FBC) – The achievements registered under the ‘Bounty of the Basket’ (YeLemat Tirufat) initiative in various localities across Ethiopia will lead to successes in the promotion of the national program on attaining food self-sufficiency and to thrust from dependency, Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen Truneh remarked.

The Deputy Prime Minister has paid a working visit to see development activities in Benishangul-Gumuz region including  the ‘Bounty of the Basket’ national agricultural development program being implemented across the country to improve dairy, poultry, egg, honey, fish and meat production.

On the occasion, he remarked that despite the fact that the region is endowed with immense undeveloped natural resources, it remained underdeveloped.

However, after the onset of the reform programs on the agricultural sector, the region has implemented various initiatives including ‘Bounty of the Basket’ in taping and utilizing the huge potentials in the region, the Deputy Prime Minister added.

The ‘Bounty of the Basket’ program has managed to achieve remarkable results in a relatively short period of time in the region, he further stated.

Effective production of dairy, poultry, egg, honey, fish and meat has been underway at community engagement centers established in the region.

Temesgen confirmed that communities in the region are conducting various development activities to ensure food security at household level.

He has witnessed successful endeavors to improve livelihoods, tackle high cost of living and break dependency of aid.

The Deputy Prime Minister also lauded development activities underway in the region towards marketing value added agricultural products.

“We have observed the level of productivity in the region on smaller plots of land and job creation in the sector through promotion of value chains,” the Deputy Prime Minister elaborated.

He appreciated continuous efforts underway to create a country in which prosperity at household level is being achieved by promoting food security.

Temesgen further noted that implementation of community level participatory development programs are helping to produce citizens who can create greater wealth by achieving the implementation of national goals in a shorter period of time, ENA reported.

He said that the government will provide all the necessary support for the promotion of livestock fodder as part of the process in further strengthening ‘Bounty of the Basket’ in the region.

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