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Safeguarding cyber security one of national priorities: DPM & FM Demeke

Addis Ababa, October 11, 2022 (FBC) – Building cyber diplomacy is one of the Ethiopian government’s priority area as it is looking forward to working in cooperation with other nations on the field, said Demeke Mekonnen, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

DPM & FM Demeke stressed that the government is also committed to safeguard cyber security as key national security issue and manifestation of sovereignty.

Demeke launched the 3rd National Cyber Security Month in Skylight Hotel, Addis Ababa, on Tuesday.

Understanding that cyber technology is the main network for the success of the country, the Ethiopian government installed the sector as one of the main strategic focus areas of the 10-year development scheme, DPM & FM Demeke remarked.

Currently, cyber ​​attacks have become one of the most pressing issues in the world, he continued.

Since the country’s aspirations and ability to compete in the cyber sector are in the hands of the youth, centers have been established in Information Network Security Administration (INSA) and similar institutions to nurture young people in the field, he added.

Demeke recalled that the government have designed Digital 2025 Ethiopia and started implementing it in many sectors.

To realize the country’s prosperity endeavors, shielding the security of the digital technology is equally important, he underlined.

According to the DPM & FM, the role of the private sector is critical to ensuring national ownership of technology and realizing cyber security.

Shielding cyber security cannot be realized without the concerted efforts of stakeholders and everyone concerned, Demeke said.

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