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RoK’S Dong-Eui University vows to deepen partnerships with Ethiopian counterparts

Addis Ababa, July 1, 2024 (FBC) – The Republic of Korea’s Dong-Eui University has expressed a strong interest in fostering partnerships with Ethiopian higher education institutions to improve the quality of education in the East African country.

This commitment was conveyed during a meeting between Ethiopia’s Ambassador to the Republic of Korea, Dessie Dalkie, and the President of Dong-Eui University, Dr. Soo-Whan Han.

During the discussion, Ambassador Dessie Dalkie emphasized the importance of strengthening the collaboration between Dong-Eui University and Ethiopian higher education institutions. It was mentioned that this collaboration has been a cornerstone of the educational exchange between Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea.

Ambassador Dalkie also appealed for an increase in the number of free scholarship opportunities available to Ethiopian students at Dong-Eui University.

Additionally, he urged the university’s faculty members to participate in projects at Ethiopian universities, which could help improve the education system in the country.

Dr. Soo-Whan Han, on his part, reaffirmed his University’s dedication to fostering stronger ties between Ethiopia and the Republic of Korea through educational collaboration. He expressed a willingness to work closely with the Ethiopian Embassy in Seoul to further develop these relationships.

Additionally, Dr. Han mentioned that Dong-Eui University has already engaged in projects with Adama Science and Technology University (ASTU) and expressed a desire to deepen this collaboration, allowing for the exchange of experiences and knowledge.

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