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Religious leaders call for peace, reconciliation in Ethiopian New Year message

Addis Ababa, September 10, 2022 (FBC) – Religious leaders of Ethiopian Orthodox, Catholic and Evangelical churches called for peace and reconciliation in their message of Ethiopian New Year.

The religious leaders urged the faithful not to do unto others what they don’t want others to do unto them while celebrating the new year.

They wish a year of unity, forgiveness and mercy to all Ethiopians, calling all to support the needy during the festival. 

Patriarch of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, His Holiness Abune Matias called on Ethiopians to solve problems the country is facing with dialogue and reconciliation, wishing a year of unity and peace for all.

Head of the Ethiopian Catholic Church, Cardinal Abune Berhaneyesus Surafel called on Ethiopians to spend the New year with prayers and praise, and to control their emotion and pursue mental tranquility.

The Cardinal urged Ethiopians to be ready for reconciliation and dialogue so as to bring an end to the current situation.

Secretary General of Council of Evangelical Churches of Ethiopia, Fr Dereje Jemberu urged Ethiopians to stop labeling one another, and to work hard for peace and development. He further asked citizens to protect themselves from information for the sake of unity and peace during the New Year.

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