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Regional Governments call up on Ethiopians to stand in unison to weed out the ruthless TPLF Junta

Addis Ababa, November 2, 2021 (FBC) – Regional Governments of Harari, Gambella, Afar and Spouthern Nations Nationalities and Peoples issued statements that called on Ethiopians to stand united against the terrorist TPLF which has continued attacking innocents civilans.

In a statement issued today, President of the Afar Regional State, Awol Arba urged all segments of the community in the region to join hands and mobilize in order to bring an end to the renegade group.

Awol said forces of the TPLF terrorist organization killed civilans, committed gang rapes and vandalized public and private properties in the region, calling for concereted measures to weed out the criminal Juna.

The Harari Regional government, to its part, said the TPLF terrorist group has mobilized traitros and merceneries against all Ethiopians to dismantle the nation, calling all citizens to join the fight. Statement said the TPLF is at the verge of its final death so that collaboration among all Ethiopians is much needed to ensure the victory against such ruthless group.

Gambella Regional Government said strong unity and bravery is the only way to smash the terrorist group forces and free the nation from its aggression.

The Sounthern Nations Nationalities and Peoples Region, for his part, called up on all communities in the region to join the survival campaign against the ruthless criminal group.



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