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Regional Chief Administrator recounts TPLF’s continued massacre in Afar Region

Addis Ababa, October 22, 2021 (FBC) – Chief Administrator of Afar Regional State, Awol Arba said the terrorist TPLF has continued massacring innocent civilians in the region.

The terrorist group is indiscriminately killing civilians including women, children and elderly in the region, the Chief Administrator said.

He recounted ruthless crimes of the renegade group, adding that forces of the Junta are even plundering properties of people with disabilities. 

TPLF forces have vandalized public and private properties, demolished infrastructures causing disruption of social services, he added.

Awol Arba said the outlawed TPLF’s horrific crimes are intended to dismantle Ethiopia calling all Ethiopians to fend off sovereignty of the nation with concerted action.

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