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President Sahle-Work attends graduation of police officers at Ethiopian Police University

Addis Ababa, June 29, 2024 (FBC) – The Ethiopian Police University held a graduation ceremony earlier today, where police officers trained in various programs were awarded degrees in the presence of the FDRE President, Sahle-Work Zewde.

In addition to President Sahle-Work Zewde, the ceremony was attended by the University’s Board Chairwoman and Minister of Labor and Skills, Ms. Muferihat Kamil, Deputy Commissioner of Ethiopian Federal Police Commission, General Melaku Fenta, diplomats, and other invited guests.

The graduating police officers, who were trained in master’s, bachelor’s, and level IV, acquired the necessary skills and knowledge in police science, criminology, criminal justice, health science as well as policing, during their time at the university.

The second-degree graduate officers completed four programs, focusing on criminology and criminal justice, peace and public safety studies, management and change leadership, and security sector management.

Notably, this was the first time the university has graduated students in security sector management.

The graduating police officers from the Ethiopian Police University reportedly acquired the necessary skills and knowledge in police science, criminology, and criminal justice, as well as policing, during their time at the university.

Among the graduates today were 12 police trainees from Somalia and South Sudan who successfully completed their training program.

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