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PM launches this year’s Green Legacy planting cycle in the Hayk town

Addis Ababa, June 29, 2024 (FBC) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) today launched this year’s Green Legacy planting cycle in the Hayk town of South Wollo Zone, Amhara region.

“By planting, we are not only greening the country but also energizing all sectors of the economy,” Prime Minister Abiy said in a social media post after launching the this year’s seedling planting in Hay town, 30kms north of Dessie city, Amhara region.

Note that Prime Minister Abiy visited the progress of ongoing development projects in and around Dessie city. After visiting the development projects, he also met with the residents of Dessie city.

“During our visit, we observed many impressive works being carried out everywhere,” the Prime Minister stated in a social media post.

“There is no doubt that if we work together, we will hand over a prosperous Ethiopia to our children,” he added after his discussion with local residents.

On the occasion, PM Abiy Ahmed was accompanied by Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Temesgen Truneh, Amhara Region Chief Administrator Mr. Arega Kebede, Speaker of House of People’s Representatives Mr. Tagese Chafo, Peace Minister Mr. Bnalf Andualem, Minister of Innovation & Technology Mr. Belete Molla, Minister of Revenues Ms. Aynalem Nigussie, Minister of Urban & Infrastructure Ms, Chaltu Sani, among others.

While announcing the beginning of the 2024 planting cycle a week ago, Prime Minister Abiy confirmed that the goal for this year’s planting is to reach 40 billion seedlings from the nation’s overall target of 50 billion.

“To achieve this goal, we need to collectively plant 7.5 billion seedlings this planting cycle”, he noted, adding that “for anyone who wants to leave a legacy for future generations, we must invest in the future today.”

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