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Premier confers with Ugandan president

Addis Ababa, January 19, 2024 (FBC) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has held a discussion with the President of Uganda, Yoweri K. Museveni, in Kampala today where the two leaders discussed bilateral and regional issues.

It is to be recalled that Prime Minister Abiy has traveled to the Ugandan capital to participate in the 19th Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).

At the NAM Summit, the Prime Minister remarked that landlocked countries face insurmountable challenges hindering their ability to fulfill the demands of their people for adequate and sustained livelihoods and to ensure their development. He reiterated that Ethiopia continues to seek a peaceful and mutually beneficial and negotiated solution to such a challenge.

On the margins of the Summit, PM Abiy also had bilateral meetings with leaders of various countries including President of Uganda, Yoweri Museveni, President of Kenya William Ruto, and President of Sri Lanka Ranil Wickremesinghe,

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