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PM calls for physical distancing at open-air marketplaces

Addis Ababa, April 13, 2020 (FBC) –Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed has called upon all to observe physical distancing bylaw at open-air marketplaces to prevent spread of COVID-19.

“Let us each do our part and contain the spread of the virus,” the Prime Minister said on Twitter.

“Markets are indeed a critical part of sustaining livelihoods in our communities as many earn their income through such means. Consumers are also dependent on access to food from markets” he added.

However, he said “as we observe COVID19 prevention measures, we also have to observe the State of Emergency regulations which clearly stipulate physical distancing.”

Last week, Ethiopia declared a state of emergency to fight the spread of the virus. Ethiopia has so registered 74 cases, three deaths and 14 recoveries of the virus.

According to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University, more than 1.8 million cases of coronavirus have been registered globally.

More than 115,000 people have died and more than 434,000 have recovered from the virus.

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