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Permanent Export Trade Exhibition Center to be inaugurated in Addis Ababa – MoTRI

Addis Ababa, August 20, 2024 (FBC) – Ethiopia’s Ministry of Trade and Regional Integration (MoTRI) announced that it is set to inaugurate a Permanent Export Trade Exhibition Center inside its premises in the coming Sunday.

Briefing the media today, Trade and Regional Integration Minister Kassahun Gofe disclosed that the ministry will inaugurate the center along with the launch of the annual trade fair week.

The minister added that the permanent export trade exhibition center, rest on 730 square meters, designed to display all types of export products of the country.

The objective of the center is to promote Ethiopia’s export products to the international market, it was learned.

The one week long trade fair that will be opened on Sunday aimed at encouraging exports and substitute import goods with domestic products, the minister he added.

He emphasized that the trade fair will create a favorable environment to showcase the potential of Ethiopia in export and domestic products.

The suppliers, according to ENA’s report, will exhibit quality product at the trade fair and buyers can buy products with affordable market price.

In parallel with the trade fair, panel discussions among stakeholders as well as recognition and award ceremony to members of the business community with outstanding performance will take place, it was learned.

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