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People displaced by terrorist TPLF speak of atrocities, looting

Addis Ababa, August 15, 2021 (FBC) – Displaced people sheltered in Dessie city of Amhara regional state said they have been subjected to inhuman treatment and abuse by the terrorist group TPLF which attacked neighboring states of Amhara and Afar.

The youth living in Dessie city are providing food for the displaced people from the North Wollo zone.

A woman displaced from Alamata, Trehas Kebede said she was displaced because of the war launched by the terrorist TPLF.

It is to be recalled that the terrorist TPLF started sending human wave of civilian fighters into Afar and Amhara regions to attack, kill, rape, and loot the community, following the enactment of unilateral ceasefire.

More than 300,000 people have so far been displaced, according to ENA.

Trehas said she fled Alamata to save her life empty handed and does not know the whereabouts of her 16-year-old son. 

According to her, the group does not only kidnap young people to deploy them into war, but also loots and destroys property.

“We are here because the TPLF hunted us down. I left my home fearing that they would kill me and my son. I arrived here in Dessie by traveling on foot from Alamata. But I lost my 16-year-old son because they were shooting at us from behind. Now I don’t know if my son is killed or not.” 

The other displaced person from Hara town, Yimer Getachew said all kinds of crimes are perpetrated by the terrorist TPLF group.

According to him, residents of the town fought hard to defend it from the TPLF for 15 days, but they were attacked with heavy weapons.

The terrorist group killed many, kidnaped youth and looted properties, Yimer added. 

“I am from Hara and I arrived here after a lot of suffering. My six children as well as my pregnant wife also came here after days of journey on foot. We don’t want to continue living here. We have to regroup ourselves and destroy the terrorist group.”  

Another displaced woman from Guba Lafto Woreda, Beletu Asmare said the terrorist group has shown its brutality by raping women, shooting young people and looting property.

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