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Nation taking steps to modernize Air Force

Addis Ababa, October 2, 2020 (FBC) – Ethiopia is striving to become a top air force in Africa in the coming ten years by modernizing its force and developing aviation, said the Ethiopian Air Force Commander Maj Gen Yilma Merdassa.

Level-9 training and more on-the-job training as well as correspondence courses will be provided at the academy.

Major General Yilma stated that the air force is working to become one of the best African air forces by building on past experiences and capacitating its manpower technologically.

“The Ethiopian Air Force is even now among the best in Africa and well poised to protect the sovereignty of the country,” he told ENA.

Changes were made on the curriculum, training and recruitment at the Air Force Academy, Major General Yilma said, adding that “I can say that it was re-established anew.”

The commander further said a lot has been done to set the best criteria for entrance into the academy in order to produce qualified professionals.

Major General Yilma pointed out that preparations are now finalized to start Level-9 training, more on-the-job training, and Level-7 technical training in the academy.

Moreover, he said that the air force is working in collaboration with universities, including Adama Science and Technology, Addis Ababa and Defense universities in technology.

According to Major General Yilma, the air force has been providing training for African countries and it is presently training personnel from 15 African countries.

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