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Nation announces Tigray State of Emergency inquiry board contact addresses

Addis Ababa, November 18, 2020 (FBC) – Federal government has announced contact addresses that would help people proffer complaint to Tigray Region State of Emergency Inquiry Board.

The federal government of Ethiopia declared state of emergency in Tigray Regional State pursuant to article 93 of the constitution in a bid to safeguard nation’s constitutional order.

Accordingly, contact addresses applicable to communicate with the inquiry board are listed as follows:


Facebook: State of Emergency Inquiry Board

Telephone No: 0111544181/0111239980

Po Box: 80001

Fax No: 0111544641

Free Call No: 8557

Telegram address: State of Emergency Enquiry Board FDRE.

Furthermore, it is stated that people can physically contact the office of the State of Emergency Inquiry Board at the headquarters of FDRE House of Peoples Representatives at Arat Killo, Addis Ababa.

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