Fana: At a Speed of Life!

Ministry, Region to launch a month long campaign against water hyacinth on Lake Tana

Addis Ababa, Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy jointly with the Amhara Regional State Presidential Office has announced a month long campaign to remove water hyacinth from Lake Tana.

The Ministry has so far discussed with high officials of the Amhara Regional State and various stakeholders on ways how to fight the water hyacinth infestation that has endangered aquatic resources of Lake Tana, the largest water body in the country.

Federal regional public institutions, universities, city administrations and nongovernmental organizations are expected to actively participate in the fight against the water hyacinth infestations.

The Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Energy also called up on all Ethiopians to contribute to the water hyacinth removal national complain.

The national campaign which is aimed to free Lake Tana from water hyacinth will run from October 19 to November 19, 2020.

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