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MFA State Ministers of Ethiopia, Japan discuss bilateral and multilateral cooperation

Addis Ababa, August 25, 2024 (FBC) – In a move aimed at fostering greater cooperation and collaboration, Japan has expressed its desire to deepen bilateral relations and engage in joint efforts with Ethiopia, with the ultimate goal of promoting regional peace and security, as well as advancing their cooperation on shared interests on the global stage.

Minister of State for Economic and Political Diplomacy at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ethiopia, Ambassador Mesganu Arga, and his Japanese counterpart, Tsuji Kiyoto, had a discussion on bilateral and multilateral cooperation in Tokyo on Sunday.

It is worth noting that State Minister Mesganu is visiting Japan to attend the Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD) Ministerial Meeting which commenced on August 24 and will last today, the 25th of August 2024

At the outset, State Minister Tsuji of Japan stated that Japan would like to further deepen bilateral relations and cooperation toward regional peace and security, and also international arena, while referring to Policy Consultations in April this year.

In response, State Minister Mesganu expressed his appreciation for assistance by Japan and his hope to further strengthen already good bilateral relations between the two countries.

Two sides shared their view to continue working closely for peace and stability in Ethiopia, and also in the Horn of Africa region. The two sides also confirmed to work together in order to increase investment from Japan to Ethiopia.

They confirmed the development of Ethiopia–Japan relations towards TICAD 9 next year, according to a statement published by the Foreign Ministry of Japan.

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