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Medal Pinning Ceremony held to Ethiopian Peacekeeping Battalion-3 in South Sudan

Addis Ababa, November 15, 2022 (FBC) – Medal Pinning Ceremony has taken place to the Ethiopian Peacekeeping Battalion-3 (UNMISS ETH-BATT-3) members in the Republic of South Sudan, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA Ethiopia).

The event was attended by Ethiopian Ambassador to South Sudan, Nebil Mahdi, diplomats and military attachés from the Embassy, leaders and members of the Battalion, leaders and members from the Nepalese and Rwandese peacekeeping forces as well as higher military leaders and community representatives from the Surrounding communities of Drupi area in Juba.

Col. Kafyalew Ragassa, Commander of the ETH-BATT-3 said the battalion has been deployed in Juba, Yambio and Tambura areas of South Sudan, where it has effectively been carrying out the peacekeeping mission consigned to it by UNMISS.

Regardless of the environmental and other challenges, the battalion has been performing the peacekeeping mission with diligence, determination, motivation and bravery, he added.

According to the Commander, in all the areas where it moves, in addition to the peacekeeping mission, the battalion has been extending its hands for humanitarian supports, which enabled it to gain respect of the respective areas’ administrations and people of South Sudan.

Br./Gen. Dawit Woldesenbet, Ethiopian Defense Attaché to the Republic of South Sudan, has hailed the Battalion on its effective mission entrusted by the UN and the Ethiopian Government.

Amb. Nebil Mahdi, said “Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the UN and has been an active participant of the UN peace keeping missions for the last seven decades.

The relation between Ethiopia and South Sudan is not an ordinary one, neither is a transactional, rather it is built on enduring principles.

It is not only our history that brings us closer together, our destiny is also tied with a complex tread of factors. Accordingly, Ethiopia will continue its longstanding commitment in South Sudanese peace process.”

He also expressed his gratitude to UNMISS higher officials, Force commanders as well as to the Government of the Republic of South Sudan, assuring the Embassy’s commitment to continue working closely with all stakeholders for the successful accomplishments of Ethiopian peacekeeping forces within the Republic of South Sudan.

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