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Kenya vows enhanced cooperation with Ethiopia

Addis Ababa, June 5, 2021 (FBC) – The Kenyan Parliament Defense and Foreign Relations Committee has held meeting with its Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs Standing Committee of the Ethiopian Parliament.

The parliamentary bodies of the two countries have explored ways how to enhance multifaceted ties between Ethiopia and Kenya.

On the occasion the Head of the Kenyan parliamentary delegation, Dido Raso Ali said reaffirmed the commitment of his country to deepen bilateral relation and social and economic cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

Cultural and linguistic similarities between peoples of border areas of the two countries has been given priority during the bilateral meeting in terms of promoting tourism, trade and other economic activitie for mutual benefit.

Member of the Foreign Relations and Peace Affairs of the Ethiopian parliament, Tekle Tesema, to his part briefed members of Kenyan delegation on Ethiopia’s unwavering stance to resolve the border issue with Sudan and bring possible solution to the dispute over the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) through existing African mechanisms.

He stressed the significance of the joint transboundary infrastructural facility development of Ethiopia and Kenya in enhancing the people-to-people ties between the two countries and boosting economic and social integration in the region.

The parliamentary cooperation between the two countries is said crucial maintaining regional peace and stability, strengthen social and economic integration and address some transboundary issues among agrarian communities in border areas of Ethiopia and Kenya.


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