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Inclusive and Resilient Urban Development Essential for Tackling Africa’s Challenges: DPM Temesgen

Addis Ababa, September 4, 2024 (FBC) – Deputy Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Temesgen Tiruneh, in his remarks at the 1st Africa Urban Forum, stated that Africans share a common goal to shape the future of their urban spaces. “The Africa Urban Forum is a crucial platform,” Temesgen underscored.

The forum allows African nations to reflect on thier progress, exchange ideas, and chart a path forward for sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous cities across our continent, Temesgen pointed out.

“This forum also aligns with agenda 2063, which envisions the urban Africa we want. This vision is not just about meeting challenges. It is about creating our own solutions. I believe the challenges of our time demand more than conventional responses,” the Deputy Prime Minister noted.

Temesgen stressed that Africa countries need adaptive political strategies that resonate with their continental aspirations.

“We must harness our collective strengths to build a more prosperous Africa. Ethiopia, with its rich history and dedication to diplomacy, has been steadfast in supporting our common continental aspirations. Our commitment to regional cooperation underscores our dedication to overcoming divisions and fostering a unified, prosperous Africa. As we envision, we integrated urban Africa characterized by economic unity, infrastructural advancement and political solidarity,” Temesgen pointed out.

The forum offers a unique opportunity to explore innovative approach towards a vision of integration, peace and coexistence among African nations.

“Africa stands as the threshold of an urban transformation. Our cities are growing rapidly, presenting both opportunities and challenges. This rapid urbanization is not just a demographic trend. It is a call to action. We must harness the potential of our cities to drive economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability.”

“Urbanization, when managed effectively, can be a powerful force for development. Our cities are hubs of innovation, creativity, and entrepreneurship.”

Today, cities face many complex challenges including inadequate infrastructure, housing shortage, unemployment, environmental degradation, and the impact of climate change, stressing the need to build cities that are resilient and adaptable, capable of withstanding future shocks.

“We must embrace new technologies, sustainable practices, and innovative solutions to create cities that are not only economically advanced but also environmentally sustainable and drivers of continental integration.”

The forum provides cities with a platform for learning, sharing best practices, and collaborating on solutions that can be scaled and replicated across the continent, the Deputy Premier said.

Our success will depend on our ability to work together, leverage our strengths, and remain committed to the principles of agenda 2063. Ethiopia stands ready to support and drive these solutions within the framework of African Union’s collective goals.

“Our leadership must be strengthened through unwavering political commitment. We must enhance our institutional capacity by developing a skilled human resource and robust policy frameworks,” he stressed.

“Effective resource mobilization, financial planning and enhancing revenue are key to advancing the urbanization agenda. Inclusive and resilient urban development is a way forward to address the challenges Africa faces. We must also focus on strengthening partnerships, advocacy, outreach, and communication,” Temesgen remarked.

Temesgen stressed that African cities and towns should be centered for enhanced bilateral and multilateral corporations, adding that these elements are crucial for fostering a collaborative environment where innovative solutions can thrive.

Deputy Prime Minister Temesgen called on African leaders to work together to ensure that urban centers are vibrant, dynamic, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient.

By Wondesen Aregahegn


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