House decides to set a team to oversee protection of citizens, rehabilitation activities
Addis Ababa, January 21, 2021 (FBC) – The House of Peoples Representatives has passed a decision to establish an independent team in charge of addressing human rights violations related to deaths, displacements, property damages and leading rehabilitation activities. Members of the independent team are to be drawn from the parliament, it is indicated.
In its 6th year 8th regulars session held today, the House of Peoples Representatives has discussed various issues and passed decisions accordingly.
The teams is said to be tasked with responsibility of supervising illegal activities against citizens, monitoring trends and forwarding recommendations to the house.
The house has unanimously approved resolution forwarded regarding recent attacks targeted civilians in Metekel, Benshagul Gumuz region and other parts of the country. Resolution has been categorized in to three major thematic areas and six separate decisions.
In accordance with major thematic issues, the house confirmed that identity based brutal attacks, physical injuries, displacements and property damages occurred in Metekel zone.
It is also indicated on the session that the government is working to bring culprits to justice and rehabilitate citizens affected by the communal violence in the areas.
The attacks and displacements are getting complicated and worse duet to involvement of some elements that have hidden political agenda aimed to disrupt the reform in the country.
House has also put directives in a way to further tighten law enforcement measures and reinforce rehabilitation works.
House members also urged the government to tighten law enforcement measures, to identify regional leaders that might have involved in the issue and bring them to justice, and take legal and political measures and announce the results to the public.
Parliamentarians further requested the government to implement an emergency decree in Metekel Zone and carry out the law enforcement measure in accordance with the decree. The house discussed the issue and passed the decision with four votes against and two votes in abstention.