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Hordora Bekele receives Japanese ‘The Order of the Rising Sun’ award

Addis Ababa, January 15, 2021 (FBC) – A conferment ceremony was held yesterday to congratulate Hordora Bekele, member of the House of Peoples’ Representatives, upon whom the Government of Japan bestowed the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star on Nov. 3, 2021.

The Order was awarded to Hordofa, who was also former Vice Chairperson of the Ethio-Japan Friendship Group, for his contribution to further strengthening economic relations between Ethiopia and Japan.

Hordofa has a deep knowledge and understanding of Japan, obtained through his vice chairmanship of the Ethio-Japan Friendship Group.

Through his engagement in parliamentary diplomacy, he has also been instrumental in assisting for successfully introduction of the Kaizen Philosophy into Ethiopia, which has been expanding into different sectors and significantly improving the management of many firms.

In 2019, Hordofa also received Japan’s Foreign Minister Commendation award in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the promotion of the mutual friendship between Japan and Ethiopia.

The Order of the Rising Sun, established in 1875, is the Japanese Government’s oldest honour.

The award features gold and silver rays of sunlight radiating from the Rising Sun, held in place by a chrysanthemum, the Royal Flower of Japan, and is awarded to foreigners who have made notable contributions to the enhancement of bilateral relations

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