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Green Legacy Initiative cajoles Denmark into boosts support for Ethiopia’s forestry sector: Counsellor

By Wondesen Aregahegn

Addis Ababa, August 23, 2024 (FBC) – Rose Marie Arvid Larsen, the Counsellor for Climate and Trade Affairs at the Danish Embassy in Addis Ababa, expressed her enthusiasm about participating in Ethiopia’s one-day tree planting event today. ““It was really a great morning,”,” she remarked.

The Danish Embassy staff joined the tree-planting initiative to reinforce their commitment to Ethiopia’s climate objectives and to support the government’s Green Legacy Initiative. “We aim to be dedicated partners in promoting climate activities and helping implement Ethiopia’s climate goals,” the Counsellor said during an exclusive interview with FBC.

Denmark has been actively supporting forestry development activities in Ethiopia since 2018, according to Larsen. “We have a significant forestry program in Bonga, located in the South West region, where we assist local communities in their efforts to conserve forests and enhance their resilience to climate change,” she explained.

She emphasized the importance of supporting such initiatives nationwide and pledged to increase Denmark’s assistance for Ethiopia’s forestry development efforts. “We commend the Ethiopian government’s commitment to combating climate change, and we plan to deepen our involvement in the forestry sector in the coming years,” she added.

Larsen highlighted the noticeable increase in forest coverage in Ethiopia, urging for stronger environmental protection measures to support the country’s hydrological initiatives and improve community livelihoods. “The Green Legacy Initiative plays a vital role in raising public awareness and encouraging public participation in environmental conservation, afforestation, and reforestation efforts,” she noted.

She also mentioned that the Green Legacy Initiative serves as an inspiring model for other nations, encouraging them to follow Ethiopia’s lead in expanding their forest cover.




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