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Gov’t will continue law enforcement against terrorism, extremists, theft and profiteering: GCS Minister

Addis Ababa, December 10, 2022 (FBC) – The government, in collaboration with the society, will continue to strengthen the operation and action against terrorism, extremists, theft and profiteering, said the FDRE Minister of Government Communication Services, Legese Tulu.

The Minister said on his social media page that Ethiopia has moved a step forward since the peace agreement to solve conflict in the northern part of the country. It doing everything it can to ensure the full scale implementation of the peace accord.

The terrorist, extremist and robber groups, who were unhappy with this peace effort, individually and jointly with the help of extremist media, created violence and unrest in various areas of the country, especially in some places in Wollegga, where they killed and displaced innocent citizens.

They have attacked national and regional security forces, demolished private and government properties, Legese said.

The Minister stated that they have been plotting and working to extend this evil act to Addis Ababa city targeting educational institutions.

He said that some forces who are thought to have been organized on the basis of law are echoing this issue irresponsibly.

Minister Legese said that the main purpose of these terrorist and extremist forces is to impede the government’s actions against theft and efforts of the implementation of peace accord in the north.

These groups have been working to cruelly compel the society. All four destructive forces are bound by interests, they think their goals cannot be achieved without violence and unrest, they do not accept equality and they are the dew of peace, Legese said.

He stated that the government will continue to strengthen the action against terrorism, extremists, theft and corruption by involving the society.

According to the GCS Minister, encouraging results have been registered so far.

Legese indicated that the door is open to those forces who want to resolve their issues through dialogue, negotiation and peaceful means.

The Minister asserted that the society, especially the youth, should protect itself from the spread of various rumors and misinformation, strengthen its solidarity, support and help the government’s campaign against corruption, theft, terrorism and extremist groups.

Legese stressed that any media should refrain from inciting the society into a conflict based on hatred.

He also stated that legal action will be taken against those who go beyond this for the sake of safety of the society.

The benefit of the entire people is guaranteed from sustainable peace, national unity, equality and common development. He conveyed his message that everyone should do their part for this principle.

The Minister further mentioned that only a few individuals in the network of interests can benefit from extremism and violence politics.

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