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Gov’t, humanitarian partners delivered 91,855MT aid supplies in Tigray region

Addis Ababa, December 15, 2022 (FBC) – The joint status report by Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission (EDRMC), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA), and Logistics Cluster confirmed that the Ethiopian government and humanitarian assistance partners have transported 91,855 metric tons of food and non-food aid supplies to Tigray region in the past 30 days.

The report mentioned that humanitarian access into Tigray Region has continued to gradually improve over the last couple of weeks as the Federal government and partners are working to ensure that aid deliveries are sustained at scale to reach the large number of people depending on assistance to survive.

According to the joint report issued on December 16, more than 85,900MT of food and 5,955MT of non-food supplies were transported between 15 November and 15 December.

The Government alone reached more than 796,600 people across 15 cities and woredas, the report indicates.

The status report further indicates that 18MT airlifts of nutrition and 14MT health supplies have also been delivered through Mekelle and Shire airports, while regular humanitarian passenger flights have been flying in much needed human capacity to scale up the response.

522,745 litres of fuel has also been transported to the region in the aforementioned period of time. A total of 588, 478,569 Birr operational cash was also transported to Tigray region.

Those food and non-food aid supplies, according to the report, have been transported to Tigray region within 2241 trucks via the four corridors through Afar and Amhara regions. 24 humanitarian assistance partners have also took part in moving the aid supplies.

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