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France pledges full support to National Rehabilitation Commission

Addis Ababa, February 24, 2023 (FBC) – French Ambassador to Ethiopia Rémi Maréchaux stated that his country will provide strategic support to the activities of the National Rehabilitation Commission of Ethiopia.

National Rehabilitation Commission (NRC) Commissioner, Teshome Toga, held talks with the French Ambassador to Ethiopia Rémi Maréchaux and the Embassy’s Military Attaché, Colonel Jean-Marc.

During the discussion, Teshome Toga outlined the Commission’s preparatory phase and the strategic partnership as well as the works to be carried out in cooperation with development partners.

Ambassador Rémi Maréchaux, for his part, pledged that his government will provide all-round support to the Commission to undertake its tasks effectively, according to a social media post by the Ministry of Peace-Ethiopia.

It is to be remembered that the National Rehabilitation Commission was established on November 12, 2022 to bring a peaceful resolution to armed conflicts in all parts of the country.

The Commission was also established to enable members of the organized forces to participate in development, peace and democracy building activities in Ethiopia so that they can reintegrate in to their communities and lead a peaceful life in a sustainable way.

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