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External interference complicates GERD issues: Sudanese Energy Expert

Addis Ababa, March 7, 2020 (FBC) -Internationalizing the issue of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) cannot stop the project but only complicates it and delay the solutions sought, Sudanese Energy Expert.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Sudanese Energy, Mining, Electricity and Regulatory Authority Secretary-General, Engineer Tigani M. Adam said “I don’t agree with internationalizing this issue.”

The interference of other parties will always complicate matters rather than facilitating dialogue to solve the problems, he noted. “So, I am against internationalizing this problem.”

The secretary-general elaborated that internationalizing the issue of GERD is not beneficial to the long-lasting neighboring countries.

“Interfering will only delay the time to obtain solutions; and they will not stop the project. (In this respect) I do agree with them (Ethiopians).”

Adam further elaborated, “I am a Muslim. And in Islam you always have to look for the interest of your neighbors, but do not also forget yourself.”

The energy expert stressed that Ethiopia has the full right to exploit its natural resources and build its dam.

“Since the origin of the river is from here, let the people of Ethiopia take their needs, then the rest will come to Sudan and the rest goes to Egypt. These are the right solutions. So, the three countries will reach a compromised solution,” he underlined.

The countries have (therefore) to work together to properly make use of GERD as it is one of the natural potentials that can meet the ever-increasing demand of electricity.

“We have to work very hard to make use of this opportunity for the maximum use. And I am sure, after the first filling of the dam, the water will flow as usual and normal, and then there will be no problems,” Adam elaborated.

Congratulating Ethiopia for building the dam, he stressed the significance of resolving the differences only through tripartite talks. “Let it (the talk) be between our countries; and I am sure we can reach optimal solution.”

Egypt Electricity Regulatory Authority Executive Chairman, Mohammed Abdel-Rahma said Ethiopia and Egypt have long-standing brotherhood relations that will remain for ages.

He believes that the issue of GERD will be resolved by avoiding harms on one another through negotiations and understanding. “I am sure that our governments will work together towards resolving the issue.”

“We have been here together for thousands of years, and will remain here for other thousands years. Our children and grandchildren will share resources together and always work in this direction,” the chairman noted.

The recent statement of the Government of Ethiopia has underscored its full rights to use its natural resources to extricate citizens from poverty. Yet the country is building the dam in such a way as to not cause a significant harm to the downstream countries.

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