Ethiopians protesting against UNSC meeting on GERD in New Your
Addis Ababa, July 8, 2021 (FBC) – Thousands of Ethiopians and Ethiopian Nationals who gathered in New York City from several states of the U.S. have gathered around the UN headquarter, and are protesting against the UNSC meeting on the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD).
The protestors urged the United Nations Secutiry Council (UNSC) to stop meddling into the GERD and respect Ethiopia’s rights to unitlize its natural resources for development.
Protesters carry placards read “African Problems will be solved by African Solutions”, “Respect Ethiopia’s Sovereignty”, “Fill the Dam”, “Our Successful Election shows how we elect our leaders”, “African Union is Not Anyone’s Business”, among others.
A letter that reflects Ethiopia’s position on fair and reasonable use of the Nile River will be submitted to representatives of UNSC member countries, coordinators said.