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Ethiopians mark 79th Patriots’ Victory Day

Addis Ababa, May 05, 2020 (FBC) –Ethiopians across the nation have observed the 79th anniversary of patriots’ victory over fascist Italian forces.

Here in Addis Ababa, it was celebrated at the victory monument around Arat Kilo in the presence of members of the community, representatives of Ethiopian Patriots Association and high ranking government officials.

Coordinator of Public Service Delivery Institutions of Addis Ababa city with the rank of Deputy Mayor, Engineer Endawok Abitie, together with representatives of Ethiopian Patriots laid wreath at the victory monument commemorating the day.

In her message to the people in connection with the day, President Sahle-Work Zewde said “Even if we cannot mark the day encompassing the victory monument as we did in previous years due to conronavirus threat, I believe we celebrate it inwardly with deep sprits of the victory gained through perpetual gallantry and sacrifices of the beloved sons and daughters of Ethiopia.”

“We shall replicate the national unity and bold aspirations we demonstrated at the Grand Ethiopian renaissance Dam in combating multidimensional challenges we face today” the President stressed.

She underlined “We should make the victory of the patriots in an everlasting sprit, and replicate it in other national gains.”

The President said the fight against the coronavirus is a battle with an invisible enemy of elusive nature, adding “the defeat of the pandemic is certain if the people follow the protective guidelines set by the government”

Ethiopians celebrate the day every year on May 5 commemorating the victory of patriots against fascist Italian aggressors.

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