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Ethiopian Police Federal Chief says his tenure as EAPCCO President ‘fruitful’

Addis Ababa, October 26, 2023 (FBC) – The 25th Eastern Africa Police Chiefs Cooperation Organization (EAPCCO) Annual General Meeting is taking place in Bujumbura, Burundi from 22-27 October, 2023 under the theme “Leveraging on the Regional Policing capabilities in promoting law enforcement cooperation in the fight against terrorism and transitional organized crime.”

Upon on the conclusion of the EAPCCO meeting held in Burundi, Commissioner General of the Ethiopian Federal Police, Demelash Gebremichael handed over the Presidency of the Organization to Frédéric Budomo, Inspector General of the Burundi National Police on 25 October after successfully concluding his tenure.

In his remarks on the opening session of the meeting, Commissioner General Demelash, noted that police cooperation between countries of the region has flourished, and fruitful measures have been taken in terms of tackling arms trafficking, drug trafficking, human trafficking, illicit financial flow and other cross-border coordinated crimes during his tenure in office.

He added that Ethiopia has managed to share its reform activities and best practices with the rest of member countries, and embodied fruitful experience sharing custom among countries of the region.

A range of measures have also been taken in terms brining individual involved cross border crimes to justice, he added.

The Commissioner General further explained that the Ethiopian Federal Police has undertaken fruitful activities in increasing participation EAPCCO in INTERPOL and other international security institutions during the past year.

By Wondesen Aregahegn

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