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Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Service provides 229mln Birr worth medical supplies to Tigray

Addis Ababa, December 16, 2022 (FBC) – Following the Pretoria peace agreement, the Ethiopian Pharmaceutical Supply Service (EPSS) has provided 229 million birr worth of medical supplies to Tigray region, Director General of the Pharmaceutical Service, Abdulkedir Gelgelo said.

Abdulkedir said that EPSS is intensifying efforts to supply pharmaceuticals to the health facilities in the region while the Mekele and Shire branches are partially operational.

The medicines sent to the region include AART, TB/leprosy, anti-malaria, MCH, vaccines, insulin and essential services, he added.

Mekele has received the lion’s share —191 million birr worth of medicines, it was indicated.

EPSS branches of Mekele and Shire are now partially operational, Abdulkedir revealed, and emphasized that efforts are underway to fully operationalize them as soon as possible.

The Director General stated that the Shire branch has already started distributing sent pharmaceuticals up to the towns of Adwa.

EPSS envisions ensuring sustainable supply of quality assured pharmaceuticals to health facilities at affordable price, as per the report by the Ethiopian News Agency (ENA).

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