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Ethiopian MP rebukes Egyptian media’s misinformation campaign against GERD

Addis Ababa, May 16, 2024 (FBC) – The recent wave of false information propagated by the Egyptian media regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is solely motivated by Egypt’s desire to utilize the Nile waters unilaterally, stated Mohammad Al-Arusi, a member of the Ethiopian parliament.

Well-known for his advocacy of the GERD on international platforms, Al-Arusi made these remarks during an exclusive interview with Fana Broadcasting Corporate.

He asserted that the Egyptian media is disseminating false narratives, claiming that the dam is in endangered due to a recent moderate 4.9 magnitude earthquake reported in the southwestern part of Ethiopia.

Contrary to the Egyptian media’s speculation, the moderate earthquake occurred near the border of Kenya, several hundred kilometers south of the GERD.

It is a well-known fact that GERD is the flagship project of all Ethiopians, with every penny of the dam’s budget financed by the people and government of Ethiopia in a bid to electrify the nation, where more than 65 percent of the population lacks access to electricity. The Ethiopian government recently confirmed that the construction of the dam has reached over 95%.

Mohammed Al-Arusi recalled that several rounds of trilateral negotiations were recently held, involving the legal and technical teams, as well as the ministers of water, foreign affairs, and top leaders of Ethiopia, Egypt and Sudan.

He argued the origin of the latest false information being spread by the Egyptian media about the earthquake is the desire to enforce the former colonial agreement, which Ethiopia was never part of, and the greed to utilize the Abbay (Nile) river water unilaterally.

He further argued that the unfounded propaganda used by the Egyptian government to persuade its citizens is completely inappropriate and unacceptable for this era. It was repeatedly discussed and agreed that the dam would not cause harm to Egypt or other riparian countries.

According to him, the false information spread by the Egyptian media every season is aimed at deliberately putting pressure on Ethiopia’s future development journey.

Mohamed went on to say that Ethiopians have invested their money, knowledge and time in the dam project, viewing its achievement as the second Adwa victory.

The MP also expressed his hope that the same participation of Ethiopians will continue until the dam is completed. He also explained that the dam will be a great development potential and option for neighboring countries beyond Ethiopia.

Mohammed called on Egypt to work in cooperation with Ethiopia tobreach mutual consensus and develop and utilize the Abbay (Nile) river water for a better future.

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