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Ethiopian, Chinese police institutions join forces to enhance police discipline and training

Addis Ababa, August 21, 2024 (FBC) – The Ethiopian Police University (EPU) has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with China’s Zhejiang Police College (ZJPC), as announced by the Ethiopian Federal Police Commission

This agreement was formalized during a signing ceremony held in Addis Ababa.

It was emphasized during the signing ceremony that the Ethiopian Police University is actively collaborating with both domestic and international police institutions in order to realize its vision and mission.

During the signing ceremony, Deputy Commissioner General Mesfin Abebe, the President of the Ethiopian Police University, pointed out that Ethiopia and China have a long-standing history of cooperation in various domains.

He further emphasized that his university is actively pursuing ways to fortify the relationship between the two nations, with the aim of maximizing mutual benefits.

It was noted that the agreement will facilitate collaborative problem-solving research and development, joint course preparation to enhance police discipline, and provide various training and educational opportunities.

Additionally, the MoU will enable both parties to work closely through technology transfer, thereby aiding in crime prevention and investigation activities that can help reduce traffic accidents.

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