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Ethiopian Ambassador meets with South Sudan’s Minister of Defence and Veteran Affairs

Addis Ababa, April 24, 2021 (FBC) – Ethiopian Ambassador to the South Sudan Nebil Mahadi met with Defence and Veteran Affairs Minister of South Sudan Angelina Teny and discussed bilateral and regional issues of common concern.

The Ambassador underscored Ethiopia’s unwavering commitment to the implementation of the South Sudan peace agreement and the overall peace and prosperity of the people of South Sudan.

He also emphasized the need to redouble efforts of the two nations to enhance their infrastructural linkage.

The Ambassador has also briefed the Minister about the current situations in Ethiopia, among others, the rehabilitation and relief efforts in Tigray, the issue of GERD, the Ethiopia-Sudan border disputes, and the ongoing National Election in Ethiopia.

Regarding the GERD, he highlighted Ethiopia’s ardent belief in fair and equitable use of transboundary natural resources. He said, GERD is an African project and is purely aimed at nothing but lifting more than 65 million Ethiopians out of darkness and chronic poverty.

Accordingly, he reiterated that Ethiopia is keen to solve the difference with the lower riparian countries through negotiation within the existing African Union forum.

With Regard to the border dispute between Ethiopia and Sudan, he expressed Ethiopia’s full Commitment to solve the issue amicably based on the already existing agreements and mechanisms.

In this connection, the ambassador commended the initiative extended by President Salva Kiir to mediate the dispute. He said Ethiopia demanded the restoration of the status quo ante before the commencement of the talks.

The Sudanese Defense Minister Angelina Teny, in her part, appreciated Ethiopia’s long-standing commitment and support for the people of South Sudan.

Likewise, she expressed South Sudan’s commitment to the peace, stability, and prosperity of Ethiopia.

The minister further underscored Ethiopia’s pivotal role in the peace and stability of the region and beyond.

She said we can’t afford unstable Ethiopia. The Minister also highlighted that the issue of Tigray is purely an internal agenda and no need for outside interference on the matter.

Regarding the GERD, Hon. Angelina stressed that all the riparian countries should have equal access to the Nile waters, given that it is a matter of right to use the waters for the benefit of the people.

The Minister also emphasized the need to reach a common ground in the ongoing GERD negotiations through the existing African Union platforms, based on the principle of “African solutions to the African problems.”





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