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Ethiopian Ambassador holds discussion with Gedaref State Governor

Addis Ababa, December 16, 2020 (FBC) –Ethiopia’s ambassador to Sudan, Ambassador Yibeltal Aemero met with the Governor of Gedaref State, Dr. Suleiman Ali Mohammed Musa.

They thoroughly discussed the latest developments in Tigray, Ethiopian refugees in Sudan, and the importance of inter-regional states cooperation.

At the occasion, Ambassador Yibeltal said the government has swiftly completed the law enforcement operation and is now busy with rehabilitation and restoration works.

The government is also working together with the interim government of Tigray in restoring the bureaucratic structure, besides hunting down the fugitives and disarming illegal militants.

Appreciating the government of Sudan and the Gadarif State for welcoming Ethiopian refugees, Ambassador Yibeltal requested the governor’s support to the return of Ethiopians to their homes considering the restoration of peace and stability in Tigray.

He also underlined that neighboring regional states should meet regularly to discuss development and security, to scale up people-to-people engagements, and to control human and arms trafficking as well as contraband.

The governor, on his part, said Sudan has closed its border and tightened control following the law enforcement operation in Tigray being faithful to the longstanding relationship between the two countries.

On the other hand, the governor said, Sudan has opened its doors to Ethiopians and provided all the necessary support until other donors started to extend help to the refugees.

Dr. Suleiman reaffirmed that the restoration of peace in the Tigray region has created favorable conditions for the return of refugees, and he would support the Ethiopian government’s efforts in this regard.

He stated that Ethiopia and Sudan contribute to peace and development in the region and beyond, and they should closely work to bolster relations in various engagements.

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