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Ethiopian, Pakistani military universities explore collaborative training opportunities

Addis Ababa, February 9, 2024 (FBC) – A delegation, led by Pakistan’s Ambassador to Ethiopia, Atif Sharif, engaged in discussions with Brigadier General Kebede Regasa, Commandant of the Ethiopian Defense University.

The discourse centered on enhancing institutional ties and fostering mutually advantageous cooperation between the two nations.

Atif Sharif, Pakistan’s ambassador to Ethiopia, remarked during the meeting that diplomatic relations between the two countries have reached a higher level of effectiveness and improvement.

The Pakistani envoy anticipates that the deliberations will pave the way for establishing connections between the military universities of the two nations through training in technology transfer, education, and research.

He articulated that these institutions can secure mutual benefits by mutually exchanging effective practices via training programs, thereby enhancing and advancing their capabilities in teaching and learning.

Ambassador Atif Sharif affirmed that the military universities of both countries will collaborate on training programs encompassing ICT, cybersecurity, aeronautical engineering, and related fields.

The relationship between the two nations holds significant importance, remarked Brigadier General Kebede Regasa, the Commandant of Ethiopian Defense University.

He emphasized that his institution is actively engaged in conducting practical research and impactful studies, leveraging technological collaborations with peer institutions, aimed at enhancing the military’s proficiency.

Additionally, the Commandant revealed that the university is enrolling and teaching soldiers from various African nations across a spectrum of educational programs.

He underscored the importance of the Ethiopian and Pakistani counterpart institutions collaborating in joint training exercises focusing on substantial matters to bolster their collective military capabilities.

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