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Ethiopia takes part in an Induction Program of the AUPSC

Addis Ababa, March 25, 2025 (FMC) — An Ethiopian delegation led by Ambassador Hirut Zemene, Permanent Representative of Ethiopia to the AU and UNECA is taking part in an induction program of the Peace and Security Council of the African Union in Arusha, Tanzania.

During the program, Ambassador Hirut expressed her gratitude for the union’s confidence in electing Ethiopia as the member of the Peace and Security Council (PSC).

She underlined Ethiopia’s contribution and commitment to the collective security of Africa and the world at large, both in the diplomatic field and in peacekeeping operations.

Ambassador Hirut also requested the council to work steadfastly in initiating early response to contain the crisis situations so as to prevent them from developing into full-blown conflicts. She reiterated the need to invest more in sustaining peace by adopting conflict prevention.

The Ambassador also highlighted the importance of working closely to effectively and efficiently finance the work of Peace and Security Council of our union considering the current situation.

She said that it’s time for the Council to look into how best it could fit into the existing reality both in the world and on the continent in the evolving global geopolitical situation to strengthen the relevance and vitality of the continent’s collective interests.

At the induction program, Ethiopia and Eswatini were welcomed by the members of the Council as new incoming members. The program also acknowledged Cameroon and Nigeria as re-elected members.

Ethiopia has been participating in the PSC as an observer in the month of March and will start its membership officially in the month of April, 2025.

On the occasion, Cosato David Chumi, Deputy Foreign Minister of Tanzania addressed the gathering as a guest of honor.

The induction programme aims to equip the newly-elected PSC members with a fundamental understanding of the PSC’s mandate, role, work, priorities, working methods and its relationship with the AU Commission.

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