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Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia pledge to step up bilateral ties

Addis Ababa, June 11, 2020 (FBC) – Foreign Affaris Minister, Gedu Andargachew, has  received and held discussions with Saudi Ambassador to Ethiopia Sami Jemil Abdulahi on ways of further deepening bilateral ties between their respective countries.

Discussions focused on situations regarding Ethiopian citizens in Saudi Arabia, ways to further strengthen bilateral relations, and the current status of the GERD tripartite talks.

Commending the historical and friendly relationship between the two countries, Mr.Gedu thanked Saudi Arabia for hosting a number of Ethiopian migrants.

The minister said he understands the challenge Saudi Arabia is facing due to migrants, especially in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, and he assured the ambassador that Ethiopia is ready to work closely with Saudi Arabia on the matter.

The minister also briefed the ambassador about the ongoing tripartite talks regarding the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam.

Ambassador Sami Jamil Abdullah thanked Mr. Gedu for understanding the pressures irregular migrants are creating in Saudi Arabia.

He expressed his hope that the tripartite would solve outstanding issues through dialogue and vowed that his country would cooperate with Ethiopia in the fight against the COVID-19 scourge.

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