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Ethiopia repatriates 250 citizens from Kuwait

Addis Ababa, June 11, 2020 (FBC) – Ethiopia has repatriated its 250 citizens from Kuwait today.

Senior government officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs have welcomed the returnees up on their arrival at Bole International Airport.

It is to be recalled that State Minister of Foreign Affairs Ministry Tsion Teklu held a phone conversation with Deputy Foregin Affaris Minister of Kuwait, Khaled Al Jarallah on several bilateral issues.

The two exchanged views on preparations underway to ensure wellbeing of Ethiopians who are living in State of Kuwait.

The two ministers also explored ways to facilitate opportunities for those who are willing to return to their homeland, Ethiopia.

Tsion and Khaled Al Jarallah have also discussed on ways of enhancing bilateral relations between Ethiopia and Kuwait in regional and international areas of cooperation.

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