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Ethiopia providing 200 MW of power daily to Kenya

Addis Ababa, March 22, 2025 (FMC) – Ethiopia is currently supplying Kenya with 200 megawatts of electricity per day, in accordance with the power sale agreement between the two countries, as revealed by Ethiopian Electric Power (EEP).

The Ethiopia-Kenya 500 kV converter station is playing a pivotal role in enhancing regional energy connectivity in East Africa, facilitating the seamless transmission of power across borders.

Mr. Mekonnen Kassie, an expert in the station’s maintenance and operations, highlighted that the facility receives electricity from the Wolayita Sodo Distribution Station II through four 400 kV incoming lines. The power is then transmitted using 12 converter transformers and 1,680 thyristors.

Mekonnen explained that the station operates on two poles with a total capacity of 2,000 megawatts and a transmission line extending 1,600 kilometers from Ethiopia to Kenya.

Under the terms of the power sale agreement, Ethiopia currently provides 200 megawatts of electricity to Kenya for 18 hours each day.

The converter station, according to the agreement, is designed to accommodate future increases in power supply and expansion of energy exports, including the potential transfer of electricity to Tanzania.

He further emphasized that, in alignment with Ethiopia’s broader energy sales agreements with neighboring countries, efforts are underway to strengthen the regional energy network, ensuring the consistent and reliable flow of electricity across the continent.

EEP also noted that the station is undergoing several capacity-building and improvement initiatives to support its ongoing efforts to boost energy exports.

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