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Ethiopia always seeks mutual prosperity with neighbors: PM Abiy

Addis Ababa, July 4, 2024 (FBC) – Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) reiterated that Ethiopia always seeks to work together, develop together, and prosper together with neighboring countries so that peace can be achieved through regional cooperation.

He emphasized that Ethiopia is a significant country in Africa and the region, and that isolating the country would be ineffective. Development through cooperation is the only viable option, he said.

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed made this remark while highlighting the federal government performance report of the 2016 E.C fiscal year at the parliament’s end of fiscal year review session today.

During the 36th regular session of the House of People’s Representatives, Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed responded to questions from parliament members regarding various national issues and diplomatic relations. In doing so, he emphasized that Ethiopia’s foreign policy is centered on fostering mutual development and prosperity with neighboring countries.

Speaking on Ethiopian government’s pursuit of access to the sea port, the Prime Minister emphasized Ethiopia’s primary need for access to the sea to support its economic growth.

He stated that this goal can be achieved through dialogue based on mutual benefit, ensuring that no party is harmed. “Any concerns regarding the issue can be addressed through discussion.”

Regarding the situation in Sudan, Ethiopia is working towards encouraging Sudan’s warring factions to resolve their issues independently, the premier said. This approach is deemed appropriate and acceptable. Ethiopia is dedicated to continuing its efforts to assist Sudan in solving its problems independently and peacefully. “Ethiopia will take risks to ensure peace in Sudan while adhering to the principle of non-intervention. The peace-loving people of Sudan deserve peace.”

“We do not seek to solve our border issues with Sudan through violence. Instead, we will continue supplying electrical power to Sudan despite it is unable to pay us the cost of the power supply right now. Ethiopia is not willing to take advantage of Sudan’s misfortune,” he stressed.

Commenting regarding Somalia, the Prime Minister highlighted Ethiopia’s significant efforts in promoting peace in Somalia, including making substantial sacrifices.

Ethiopia remains committed to peace and development in Somalia, the PM noted.

Prime Minister Abiy stressed that Ethiopia respects Somalia’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity and pointed out that his government strongly adheres to peace.

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