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ENDF provides relief assistance to landslide victims in Gofa zone

Addis Ababa, July 28, 2024 (FBC) – The Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF) extended a helping hand to those affected by the tragic landslide in Kencho Shacha Gozdi Kebele, Geze Gofa woreda of Gofa Zone, South Ethiopia region.

The landslides resulted in the loss of lives and displacement of citizens.

As part of the national effort to supply humanitarian assistance to the affected community, the NDF has delivered over  6, 300, 000  birr worth of food and essential supplies to the victims today.

The supplies include wheat flour, biscuits, sugar, sheets, and blankets.

While handing over the supplies to Gofa Zonal administrator, Colonel Getnet Adane, Public Relations Head of ENDF expressed deep sorrow over the tragedy which resulted in loss of lives, displacement and destruction of properties.

He also emphasized the army’s commitment to supporting the affected communities during this difficult time.

Dagmawi Ayele, Administrator of Gofa Zone on his part extended gratitude to the National Defense Force for their timely and substantial assistance.

He noted the army’s role in providing medical support and other essential services since the landslide occurred, as called by ENA.

Following the devastating landslides which have caused loss of lives and displacement of citizens in Gofa Zone, Southern Ethiopia, the Ethiopian government is coordinating the delivery of relief supplies as well as the efforts of resettlement and rehabilitation of survivors.

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