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ENDF more ready than ever to maintain sovereignty of Ethiopia – Chief of Staff

Addis Ababa, October 26, 2023 (FBC) – The national defense forces are more ready than ever to maintain the unity and sovereignty of the country inherited from the heroes of the past, according to Field Marshal General Berhanu Jula, Chief of General Staff of the Ethiopian National Defense Forces (ENDF).

The 116th National Defense Day was observed at Meskel Square, Addis Ababa, this morning in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD), Chief of Staff of ENDF Field Marshal Gen. Berhanu Jula, ministers, regional administrators, ambassadors of various countries, military attaches of various African countries, members of ENDF, police officers, veterans, residents of the capital, and other invited guests.

Addressing the gathering, the Chief of Staff of ENDF Field Marshal Gen. Berhanu Jula stated that the national defense forces – the ultimate wall of the country – are more than ever ready to shield the honor and sovereignty of Ethiopia.

He recalled that this day marks the founding of the modern national defense of the country on October 26, 1907.

There have been multiple attempts by external forces to instigate instability and create internal conflict in Ethiopia, he reminded. The Chief of Army asserted that the national defense forces effectively foiled these attempts effectively. He also called on these parties to refrain from their actions.

Field Marshal General Berhanu also warned those who denigrate the gallantry of the army and its sacrifices for the country to refrain from their acts.

The 116th National Defense Day is being celebrated throughout the country and embassies and missions of Ethiopia across the planet with various events.

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